Friday 9 June. Breakfast is in the other building of the hotel Stay Akranes, but with the same helpful girl. A group golf ladies just leave and the noise starves. Today we go to Reykjavik. An hour drive, using the Hvalfjardargöng tunnel. Parking at the Rádhús. Go inside and see which plans the city has for building projects coming years. A small orchestra of four plays some classical, while a delegation of people enters the room. The pond reflects the sun and the parliament is close. No guards. Still possible here. Through the old center to the harbour. In the park a statue of Ingólfur Arnarson with a nice view over the city. Harpa concert hall at the harbour is modern and it’s facade represent an iceberg. Cool building, also inside. A lovely lady tells us we can look inside the main hall. Golden opportunity. An orchestra is playing and we enjoy the last part. The leader goes crazy and swings heavily to lead the orchestra to higher levels. Lucky us. Back into town to have lunch and enjoy the sun. Short stop at the monument to Civil Disobedience. For the perfect pictures tree tipsy men are drinking beer next to it. Walk all the way to the other side of center and see Hallgrímskirkja, the concrete church tower that’s on all postcards. On the way back we discover a lovely terrace for a beer. In the sun it feels warm, although it just 13°C.
The ride is on the 1 to the east. At Hveragerdi we go into the mountains. Park the car and walk for an hour even further into the mountains. Everywhere steam is coming out of the ground. After a long walk more steam and then a wooden path next to the river. Change cloths and jump in. The water is a healthy 42°C or so. Perfect to relax.